3D Not Working
If you are experiencing issues with 3D, please review the following steps to resolve the issue:
- Verify that you have a 3D TV
- Verify that the program being viewed is available in 3D
- Verify that your 3D TV is switched to 3D mode
Verify that you have one of the following set-top boxes:
- Motorola DCX 3200
- Motorola DCX 3400
- Motorola DCT 3412
- Motorola DCT 3416
- Motorola P3-6412
- Motorola DCT 6416
- Motorola DCT3412
- Motorola DCT3416
- Motorola DCH3200
- Motorola DCH3416
- Motorola DCH6200
- Pace TDC757
- Pace TDC787
- Pace DC700X
- Pace TDC775
- Pace TDC778
- Pace RNG150
- Pace RNG200
Verify the device being used (set-top box, 3D Blu-ray player or 3D gaming system) is connected to the TV
with an HDMI cable
- Verify that nothing is obstructing the path from the TV to the 3D glasses
- Verify that the 3D glasses are fully charged and the batteries are good
If none of these suggestions helped resolve the issue, contact us. We're here to help!