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Bad Habits 16Jan

Bad Habits

January is usually the month of the resolution. You vow to do things better than you did last year. You want to exercise more, eat less, be more organized...


9 January 2015
It's the "New Year" period where everyone begins working on eating better, getting more exercise, getting more organized and everything else on their list of resolutions. I've often discussed my attempts at living...
It's the "New Year" period where everyone begins working on eating better, getting more exercise, getting more organized and everything else on their list of resolutions. I've often discussed my attempts at living 'paperless'...
4K Ultra HD

4K Ultra HD

29 December 2014
TVs are always a hot item around this time a year. With Christmas sales, year end sales and even pre-Super Bowl sales, a lot of people end up bringing home a new HDTV. The "HDTV" itself was a big deal not...
TVs are always a hot item around this time a year. With Christmas sales, year end sales and even pre-Super Bowl sales, a lot of people end up bringing home a new HDTV. The "HDTV" itself was a big deal not too long ago...
Shop Safely Online This Year

Shop Safely Online This Year

8 December 2014
The holiday season generally brings good spirits and goodwill towards others. But there are still some Grinchs out there, so beware. An article from Forbes gives some helpful tips for shopping online this...
The holiday season generally brings good spirits and goodwill towards others. But there are still some Grinchs out there, so beware. An article from Forbes gives some helpful tips for shopping online this time of year. Some simple tips include making sure you are using a secure site and watching for secure payment seals on the sites you do buy from. Some tips like using secure passwords and making sure your internet security software is up to date before you start shopping are good tips ...

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