The HBO App on EXP

If you have EXP Stream, please follow the instructions below to sign into or troubleshoot the MAX app.

If you have Armstrong EXP, HBO no longer has an app that is compatible with your equipment. Please visit the shop click here if you would be interested in transitioning to our EXP Stream service.


MAX (HBO subscribers)

  • Launch the MAX app on EXP Stream
  • Select “Connect Your Provider”
  • Scan the QR code with your mobile device or visit and enter the code provided
  • Select Armstrong as your provider
  • Enter the account owner’s Armstrong username and password, check “Keep Me Signed In” and select “Sign In”
  • A message displaying “All Done” will appear on your device
  • You should now be signed in to the Max app on EXP Stream

Visit for more information and helpful tips.

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