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Where is my game!? 20Sep

Where is my game!?

You have your chips, your soda (or 'pop' depending on where you live) and your remote. Maybe even a pizza on the way. You are ready to enjoy a great Sunday afternoon when you flip on the game and BOOM... it's not your...
Demand It!

Demand It!

18 September 2013
I have said it before and I will say it again... "Zombies are the new Vampires." For the most part the zombie craze has stayed away from too many romantic story lines, which does give it a different feel than the...
I have said it before and I will say it again... "Zombies are the new Vampires." For the most part the zombie craze has stayed away from too many romantic story lines, which does give it a different feel than the vampire craze. Usually once Hollywood goes big with a fad, it signifies that it is on its way out. While only time will tell how much more of the zombie craze we have left, we have a big blockbuster right in front of us; World War Z.  
The Art of the Webcam

The Art of the Webcam

16 September 2013
Whether it is an online meeting or talking with loved ones, using a webcam of any type can often prove more difficult than it should. While it has become fairly simple to operate, the results can still be lacking....
Whether it is an online meeting or talking with loved ones, using a webcam of any type can often prove more difficult than it should. While it has become fairly simple to operate, the results can still be lacking. Dark room, messy backgrounds and more can provide the person viewing the video with the a less than desirable experience. A recent PCMag article describes these poor souls as "webcam zombies."  The article provides tips like 'dressing for success' that encourage you to look your ...
Concert Alert!

Concert Alert!

14 September 2013
Don't miss a magical night of roots & folk music on AXS TV Channel 186 as The Lumineers perform LIVE from their sold out show at the Red Rocks Amphitheatre, tomorrow night, September 15 at 11:15pm ET. As always,...
Don't miss a magical night of roots & folk music on AXS TV Channel 186 as The Lumineers perform LIVE from their sold out show at the Red Rocks Amphitheatre, tomorrow night, September 15 at 11:15pm ET. As always, AXS TV has a great prize pack. Enter to win a signed deluxe edition box set on their Facebook page now!

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