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Snack Plates and Movies 31Dec

Snack Plates and Movies

As a kid, New Year's Eve was always a fun time in our family. We were 'allowed' to stay up past midnight. (Whether we made it that late or not was a different story.) We got to eat "snack plates" for a treat;...
Don't Stop Sharing After the Holidays

Don't Stop Sharing After the Holidays

28 December 2012
Many families this holiday season gave the gift of electronics from iPads to the Sony PlayStations, all searching for the Wi-Fi signal.  A solution to the multiple gadgets and computers wanting an Internet...
Many families this holiday season gave the gift of electronics from iPads to the Sony PlayStations, all searching for the Wi-Fi signal.  A solution to the multiple gadgets and computers wanting an Internet connection is Zoom Share. Now with Zoom Share, you have your own personal WiFi hotspot along with four Ethernet ports for an always-on broadband connection. You can be surfing for the latest entertainment news from your computer while the kids are streaming NetFlix from their ...
Demand It!

Demand It!

26 December 2012
We hope your holiday break was a pleasant one, but lets be honest you are probably a little tired of Christmas movies. Some people have probably even taken down their trees and decorations by now. Well, this week we...
We hope your holiday break was a pleasant one, but lets be honest you are probably a little tired of Christmas movies. Some people have probably even taken down their trees and decorations by now. Well, this week we have a variety of movies to get you out of the Holiday Spirit! We have a couple of thrillers and action movies to get you going. Bike messenger action movie Premium Rush looks great and will get a viewing this weekend at my house. Watch the preview for a taste of the action ...

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