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Concerned about DNSChanger? 6Jul

Concerned about DNSChanger?

By now you may have seen or read one of the many news reports claiming that the malware, DNSChanger, will render your computer inoperable on July 9, 2012. While that is a true statement for approximately 64,000 US...


6 July 2012
What an amazing time. Maybe because it is only ever four years. Maybe because it is a chance for increased patriotism. Maybe it is just a chance to see history in the making. No matter what reason, the Olympics is an...
What an amazing time. Maybe because it is only ever four years. Maybe because it is a chance for increased patriotism. Maybe it is just a chance to see history in the making. No matter what reason, the Olympics is an exciting time. For the first time ever, you will now be able to catch every Olympic event live. Armstrong is proud to bring you NBC's extensive coverage including On Demand, online and in High Definition. The Olympics begin July 27 and will take place all the way through ...


2 July 2012
What better way to celebrate Independence Day than declaring your own independence from a television schedule. As we prepare to celebrate our country at the heart of the summer season, remember that you can enjoy all...

What better way to celebrate Independence Day than declaring your own independence from a television schedule. As we prepare to celebrate our country at the heart of the summer season, remember that you can enjoy all of your favorite activities without worrying about missing your favorite shows. Enjoy every minute of your summer with Armstrong DVR. Set one time or series recordings or even use Remote Record to make sure you don't let your television slow down your summer fun. Check out ...

Super Mom's Super Powers

Super Mom's Super Powers

29 June 2012
Picture this: The alarm went off. You've jumped out of bed. Your kids are running around, pulling on the dog’s tail, ripping diapers off, pulling pots and pans out of the cupboard all while morning cartoons...
Picture this: The alarm went off. You've jumped out of bed. Your kids are running around, pulling on the dog’s tail, ripping diapers off, pulling pots and pans out of the cupboard all while morning cartoons blast in the background. You, a Super Mom, are frantically trying to get eggs scrambled and bacon fried so that your kids can be fed before that important phone call you are expecting comes through. Just as someone tips their milk over, the phone rings. And it is on the other side of ...

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