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Demand It! 15May

Demand It!

"Everything is connected." The theme of this critically acclaimed sci-fi states. The extended trailer below shows a universe in which relationships and people are connected over the years. This is honestly a...
Demand It!

Demand It!

8 May 2013
As a portion of Armstrong's customers live in western Pennsylvania, they are generally aware of when movies are shot in Pittsburgh. Most know of The Dark Knight Rises being shot in Pittsburgh. (Our Ohio customers...
As a portion of Armstrong's customers live in western Pennsylvania, they are generally aware of when movies are shot in Pittsburgh. Most know of The Dark Knight Rises being shot in Pittsburgh. (Our Ohio customers probably know of the Avengers being shot in Cleveland. Most certainly our Tri-State customers knew when We Are Marshall was shot in Huntington, WV.) Some were aware that a Tom Cruise action film was shot in and around the Pittsburgh area last year. That film, Jack Reacher, is now ...
Demand It!

Demand It!

1 May 2013
We have a wonderful star studded lineup with some highly anticipated films this week. First off, we have Oscar nominated film Silver Linings Playbook in which Jennifer Lawrence won the Oscar for Best Actress. We...
We have a wonderful star studded lineup with some highly anticipated films this week. First off, we have Oscar nominated film Silver Linings Playbook in which Jennifer Lawrence won the Oscar for Best Actress. We also have the "road trip with your mom" comedy The Guilt Trip, featuring Seth Rogen and Barbara Streisand. Last, but not least, we have the action filled thriller Broken City, featuring Mark Wahlberg and Russell Crowe. Silver Linings Playbook The Guilt Trip Broken City
Demand It!

Demand It!

24 April 2013
We have quite a selection for you guys this week. In addition to the Paranormal Activity spoof A Haunted House, we have the star studded crime action Gangster Squad and two dramas, including A Promised Land. But, I...
We have quite a selection for you guys this week. In addition to the Paranormal Activity spoof A Haunted House, we have the star studded crime action Gangster Squad and two dramas, including A Promised Land. But, I dare you to watch the trailer for The Impossible and not get a little choked up. Based on the true story, we see a family who was separated by the 2004 Tsunami in Southeast Asia battle to find each other under some of the worst circumstances imaginable.   Promised ...

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