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Demand It! 31Jul

Demand It!

Just this week we were discussing the great comic book and super hero movies that are coming to us every year. If you would have told me when I was 10 years old, "Hey, when you grow up you will have live action movies...
Demand It!

Demand It!

17 July 2013
I am very excited for this week's big release. 42. As the tagline states, it is the 'True Story of an American Legend." To a sports fan, this movie should be good. To a baseball fan, this movie should be a great...
I am very excited for this week's big release. 42. As the tagline states, it is the 'True Story of an American Legend." To a sports fan, this movie should be good. To a baseball fan, this movie should be a great tribute to a great player. To a human being, this should be inspirational and impactful. The story of Jackie Robinson was legendary when I was a kid, 25 years ago, and was difficult to understand 'why' it was so important. Today, this story is just as important as we have ...
Demand It!

Demand It!

10 July 2013
This week we have a few movies that might have snuck by you when they were in theaters. The first is a comedy starring Tina Fey and Paul Rudd. This didn't get the best reviews from critics, but I am going to give it a...
This week we have a few movies that might have snuck by you when they were in theaters. The first is a comedy starring Tina Fey and Paul Rudd. This didn't get the best reviews from critics, but I am going to give it a shot. I like both of these actors and their recent work has been just as good as their earlier stuff. Let us know what you think. The second film comes to us from the work of Stephenie Meyer, creator of the Twilight Saga. This film comes during a time when zombie ...
Demand It!

Demand It!

26 June 2013
I will admit. When I saw the trailer and line up for The Incredible Burt Wonderstone I lost my mind. Finally, Steve Carell and Jim Carrey back together again. What else do you need? Oh, Steve Buscemi, Alan Arkin and...
I will admit. When I saw the trailer and line up for The Incredible Burt Wonderstone I lost my mind. Finally, Steve Carell and Jim Carrey back together again. What else do you need? Oh, Steve Buscemi, Alan Arkin and even the late James Gandolfini? This has to be amazing. Well, some folks didn't think so (critics), but I am not giving up on this one. New magic vs. old magic, which style will prevail? Also new this week, suspense 911-operator drama The Call with Halle Berry. The ...

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