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Phoning It In

Are you getting the most from your home phone or are you just "phoning it in?" Who remembers when you had to have a separate little box for caller ID? Who remembers having an actual mini cassette tape in your answering machine? Those days are long gone. Caller ID on the phone and digital answering machines quickly came and replaced those emerging technologies. Now we are steps beyond that even. First of all, if you haven't set up Caller ID on TV yet, what are you waiting for? You hear ...
Are You Ready For Some Football?

Are You Ready For Some Football?

13 August 2012
Where has the summer gone? We are already into preseason football. Some folks look at this as just practice, while others see this as a chance to get a look at what's to come. Either way, NFL regular season football...
Where has the summer gone? We are already into preseason football. Some folks look at this as just practice, while others see this as a chance to get a look at what's to come. Either way, NFL regular season football is around the corner. Are you ready? Armstrong has you covered with the NFL Channel and the fast paced NFL Red Zone, both available in HD. Not to mention all the games on ESPN, CBS, Fox, and NBC in stunning HD.  Make sure you are ready on game day with Armstrong.
Super Mom's Super Powers

Super Mom's Super Powers

29 June 2012
Picture this: The alarm went off. You've jumped out of bed. Your kids are running around, pulling on the dog’s tail, ripping diapers off, pulling pots and pans out of the cupboard all while morning cartoons...
Picture this: The alarm went off. You've jumped out of bed. Your kids are running around, pulling on the dog’s tail, ripping diapers off, pulling pots and pans out of the cupboard all while morning cartoons blast in the background. You, a Super Mom, are frantically trying to get eggs scrambled and bacon fried so that your kids can be fed before that important phone call you are expecting comes through. Just as someone tips their milk over, the phone rings. And it is on the other side of ...
"Phone Home"

"Phone Home"

25 June 2012
With today's technology, are home phones a thing of the past?  You may look at your parents or grandparents and wonder why they still have a home phone.  Although we’ve come to rely on our cell phones...
With today's technology, are home phones a thing of the past?  You may look at your parents or grandparents and wonder why they still have a home phone.  Although we’ve come to rely on our cell phones there are many good reasons why having a home phone is a smart idea. First, a home phone is reliable.  If you’re like me, you don’t always get the greatest cell signal in the house. I often find myself moving around the house trying to get that extra bar; my front window always seems to be a ...

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