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Cabin Fever 12Jan

Cabin Fever

As the winter weather comes on strong there will be a lot of long weekends indoors and most likely several 'snow days' still to come. Armstrong Local Programming has some engaging kids programming available...
Demand It!

Demand It!

7 January 2015

Two new releases this week on Armstrong On Demand. However, the we have a few other things to highlight on this edition of Demand It! First off...

Two new releases this week on Armstrong On Demand. However, the we have a few other things to highlight on this edition of Demand It! First off...

Comic Book Favorites

Comic Book Favorites

5 January 2015
Armstrong On Demand periodically features collections of favorites, generally based on the time or year. However...
Armstrong On Demand periodically features collections of favorites, generally based on the time or year. However...
Holiday Headquarters

Holiday Headquarters

5 December 2014
This is the critical two week period between the Thanksgiving recuperation and the weekend before Christmas. You are now done eating leftovers and catching up on the emails you missed while on holiday break. Your...
This is the critical two week period between the Thanksgiving recuperation and the weekend before Christmas. You are now done eating leftovers and catching up on the emails you missed while on holiday break. Your home has now become your Holiday Headquarters and it is time to kick your Christmas-prep into full gear. Whether it is sending Christmas cards, baking holiday cookies or wrapping presents, you have a lot of work to do before that family visits and parties hit. Not to mention, ...

Breaking Bread
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