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Demand It! 8May

Demand It!

As a portion of Armstrong's customers live in western Pennsylvania, they are generally aware of when movies are shot in Pittsburgh. Most know of The Dark Knight Rises being shot in Pittsburgh. (Our Ohio customers...
Musical Chairs

Musical Chairs

6 May 2013
How do you currently consume your music? Radio, CD, MP3, or online music service? Just like the rest of our entertainment, music comes to us completely different than it used to. I can remember days of going...
How do you currently consume your music? Radio, CD, MP3, or online music service? Just like the rest of our entertainment, music comes to us completely different than it used to. I can remember days of going to the mall the day that a new album came out to purchase it on CD (or even tape). These days it is as easy as downloading a new album from iTunes the moment it is available for release. While there has been some backwards movement in the music biz lately, as vinyl records have gained ...
CBS - Now Available On Demand

CBS - Now Available On Demand

3 May 2013
Just this week Armstrong launched the CBS On Demand folder. We are excited to bring you some of the most popular shows on television in one of the most popular ways people like to watch television; On Demand. Check...
Just this week Armstrong launched the CBS On Demand folder. We are excited to bring you some of the most popular shows on television in one of the most popular ways people like to watch television; On Demand. Check out the CBS folder in our On Demand library by selecting TV Networks > CBS.  You can also search by your favorite show under TV Series. Here are just some of the great shows that will be available: NCIS CSI The Good Wife Big Bang Theory Two and a Half ...
Demand It!

Demand It!

1 May 2013
We have a wonderful star studded lineup with some highly anticipated films this week. First off, we have Oscar nominated film Silver Linings Playbook in which Jennifer Lawrence won the Oscar for Best Actress. We...
We have a wonderful star studded lineup with some highly anticipated films this week. First off, we have Oscar nominated film Silver Linings Playbook in which Jennifer Lawrence won the Oscar for Best Actress. We also have the "road trip with your mom" comedy The Guilt Trip, featuring Seth Rogen and Barbara Streisand. Last, but not least, we have the action filled thriller Broken City, featuring Mark Wahlberg and Russell Crowe. Silver Linings Playbook The Guilt Trip Broken City

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