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Demand It! 20Nov

Demand It!

Colder weather and some upcoming days off from school may give your crew a case of 'cabin fever.' Armstrong On Demand has the cure. Along with recent family releases like Monsters University, Turbo and The Croods,...
Bat Kid Saves the Day

Bat Kid Saves the Day

18 November 2013
If you haven't heard about Bat Kid yet, you might just be locked up in the Arkham Asylum. San Fransico's Make-A-Wish Foundation put together what has to be one of the most amazing public 'flash mobs' ever. What...
If you haven't heard about Bat Kid yet, you might just be locked up in the Arkham Asylum. San Fransico's Make-A-Wish Foundation put together what has to be one of the most amazing public 'flash mobs' ever. What started as a plea to get people from the community to help make a little boy's dream of being Batman for a day come true, became the most dramatic displays of good in humanity. Read the full story from Gizmodo here, but see beyond the sweetness of making the boy happy; beyond the ...
'Tis the Season

'Tis the Season

15 November 2013
We are still two weeks from Thanksgiving, but the 'Holidays' have already begun. Decorations go from skulls and Jack-O-Lanterns to festive warm fall colors. Coffee cups from Starbucks and McDonald's are holiday...
We are still two weeks from Thanksgiving, but the 'Holidays' have already begun. Decorations go from skulls and Jack-O-Lanterns to festive warm fall colors. Coffee cups from Starbucks and McDonald's are holiday red. This type of year is a nice blend of everything that is wonderful about the holidays. Cold weather, without the immediate chaos of shopping-season; not as many places you have to be, but a taste of the holiday foods that are to come. The relaxation of the holiday season ...
Demand It!

Demand It!

13 November 2013
"It's a bird. It's a plane. It's Superman!" Those famous words signaled the beginning of early radio and TV shows featuring the most famous superhero of all time. (You do have to wonder why the first two guys were so...
"It's a bird. It's a plane. It's Superman!" Those famous words signaled the beginning of early radio and TV shows featuring the most famous superhero of all time. (You do have to wonder why the first two guys were so excited about just seeing a bird or a plane in the air.) This week the latest big screen version of Superman comes to Armstrong On Demand, with Man of Steel. While it will be hard to ever live up to the original, 1978's Superman, it surely will be better than Superman Returns ...

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