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Snapchat Brings Geofilter Creation Mobile

Author: Noah/Tuesday, July 11, 2017/Categories: Technology News

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Constantly evolving social messaging app, Snapchat, introduced Geofilters at the beginning of last year. Geofilters are described as “… creative overlays that capture where you are or what you're up to in a Snap! Create your own, and surprise Snapchatters in the locations you choose.” (Snapchat website). When first introduced, the filters were only offered for submission and purchase on Snapchat’s website, but this has since been expanded to include in app availability. The mobile version has been dubbed, “On-Demand Geofilters,” and is located in settings. 

Prior to the update, the filters had to be designed in a studio software that would require some amount of knowledge to operate. On the other hand, the in app filters include templates, bitmojis, and stickers for easy use. This makes the latter an appealing option for the everyday Snapchatter, as less time and effort is required. Online filter creation—allowing more detail and customization—Is still available post-update.

On-Demand Geofilter pricing is determined by two variables: area and run time. The area is set by the user on a map display that includes points for accurately selecting the region. After the filter is submitted, a review process starts that lasts about a day followed by a phone notification alerting the user that their filter is live. In regards to the mobile version, “Snap still provides analytics including total swipes, uses of the filter and the number of views across the campaign via a dashboard for geofilter purchasers.” Says Darrell Etherington from TechCrunch. Currently, On-Demand Geofilters are only available in the U.S.A with Snapchat hinting to expanding it elsewhere on their support page.


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