Last weekend, November 5th, 2016, Armstrong was 1 of 2 main sponsors who helped film and stream a LIVE concert to our soldiers in the Army National Guard, Unit 1-110, in the Middle East. This concert was called "Warriors Rock".
Warriors Rock is a group of friends/musicians who've come together to put on concerts to help organizations raise money for different Veteran initiatives. They are a non-profit 501c3 organization and provide a unique opportunity to raise awareness while giving back!

Our partnership with this event was to provide a once in a lifetime event to give our troops a "taste of home" while being thousands of miles away. While the concert was being streamed, families of the deployed were there to support their loved ones who were watching over the Internet.
Our live stream had 95 views during the 3.5 hour concert. We also received information that viewers from 9 different countries also used the stream. These countries included the United States, Germany, Austria, the UK, Russia, Spain, Hong Kong, Poland and Turkey.
This concert was a fundraising event for the Connellsville Area High School Patriots (CAHS Patriots) who raise money to send care packages to soldiers overseas. Armstrong partnered up with the CAHS Patriots in 2010 to help promote their events. Since their organization first started in 2002, the CAHS Patriots have sent over 10,000 care packages to deployed soldiers, placed over 3500 Wreaths at the Cemetery of the Alleghenies, raised $3,582 for the Flight 93 Memorial and honored thousands of soldiers.
If you missed seeing this wonderful show, no worries! We will be showing the full concert at 8:00 PM tonight (Veteran's Day) and also Saturday and Sunday at 11 AM and 7 PM on channels 20 and 100. It has also been posted to our YouTube channel for you to view at any time.
The next show will be on November 19th at Waynesburg Central High School.
Be sure to mark your calendars and show your support for our Veterans!