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Back To School! 26Aug

Back To School!

Back. To. School. Those three words can strike up different emotions depending on which role you play in the family; parent or child. To the child it means the end of sleeping in with no responsibilities. To a parent...
Are You Secure?

Are You Secure?

23 August 2013
We often talk about online security and safe surfing here. Anything that you can do to keep your computer, online accounts, personal information and family safer is a good thing. Do you allow your web browser to...
We often talk about online security and safe surfing here. Anything that you can do to keep your computer, online accounts, personal information and family safer is a good thing. Do you allow your web browser to store your passwords for you? This can allow you to easily log in to the various websites you access during the day. Be careful when allowing this feature, as there can be some issues. Cnet sites some frustrations with the feature as used in Chrome, where the saved password can be ...
Fall Sports

Fall Sports

16 August 2013
The cooling temperatures that sneak in on a mid-August morning can mean only one thing; Fall is nearing. While technically Fall does not start until the end of September, we most likely associate fall starting with a...
The cooling temperatures that sneak in on a mid-August morning can mean only one thing; Fall is nearing. While technically Fall does not start until the end of September, we most likely associate fall starting with a few things - school starting back and fall sports. Football, both American and the original (see 'soccer') join the "boys of summer" to create what is arguably the best time of year when it comes to sports. Baseball pennant races and playoffs, pro and college football starting, ...


12 August 2013
Part Tornado. Part Shark Attack. All bad acting. Sharknado hit the small screen early last month on SyFy. As one of dozens of 'intentionally' bad science fiction made-for-TV movies, Sharknado made headlines due to the...
Part Tornado. Part Shark Attack. All bad acting. Sharknado hit the small screen early last month on SyFy. As one of dozens of 'intentionally' bad science fiction made-for-TV movies, Sharknado made headlines due to the seemingly overwhelming response on Twitter. While they have seen better viewer numbers during reruns each week and a one night theater run, it does all seem a bit silly. As they are surely planning a second (and likely third) installment, it makes you ponder the likelihood ...

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