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Scary Movie Time 25Oct

Scary Movie Time

The weeks leading up to Halloween are always great; plenty of horror movies are on TV. But, now that I have a couple little guys running around, we have to tone it down just a bit. That is why I really enjoy ABC...
Demand It!

Demand It!

23 October 2013
There are groups of actors that often seem to show up in the same movies. From the Rat Pack to the 80's Brat Pack, this formula often proves successful. Some actors just have chemistry with each other which makes for...
There are groups of actors that often seem to show up in the same movies. From the Rat Pack to the 80's Brat Pack, this formula often proves successful. Some actors just have chemistry with each other which makes for great films. Adam Sandler often uses a lot of his buddies for big and small roles in films (from Steve Buscemi and Kevin James, to Dave Matthews and Blake Clark). The similarly titled 'Frat Pack' is a much larger group of actors that work well together. Many of these actors ...


21 October 2013
I have thought about writing about the new online service called Nextdoor for a while now. I personally set up a 'neighborhood' for my area a while back and have been trying to get it off the ground. But with their...
I have thought about writing about the new online service called Nextdoor for a while now. I personally set up a 'neighborhood' for my area a while back and have been trying to get it off the ground. But with their latest innovation, it seemed like a good time to talk about it. To back up, Nextdoor is a service that allows you to set up a social network for your neighborhood. As a founder you can set up the geographic limits. If you are in a suburb or planned community, the boundaries may ...
Freeze Frame

Freeze Frame

18 October 2013
We have talked about storing your photos online here before. There are some great ways to automatically backup your photos using some social networks like Google+ and Facebook, or cloud storage services like Dropbox...
We have talked about storing your photos online here before. There are some great ways to automatically backup your photos using some social networks like Google+ and Facebook, or cloud storage services like Dropbox and iCloud. I use a combinations of iCloud, Google+ and Everpix to make sure everything is securely backed up. With these sites costing me very little (other than some set up time) I have all my bases covered. However, Flickr recently updated their iOS app to allow for ...

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