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Investing in the future of your community

Armstrong's advanced broadband network is locally operated, bringing jobs and a competitive edge to your community. From hanging Christmas lights to sponsoring little league teams, Armstrong makes a local commitment that national providers often overlook.

Download the Armstrong Coloring Book!

Our local communities play a big part in what makes Armstrong so special. To honor these communities, we are sharing our Armstrong Coloring Book for our friends to enjoy. This book highlights some of your favorite locations in the areas we serve, as well as other images to help spark creativity. Please be sure download, print, and color these pages. Please share your works of art with us online!

Download the Armstrong Coloring Book

Brian Vance

General Manager

Brian Vance has been part of the Armstrong family since May 2000. As a successful Outside Plant Engineer, he was promoted to Outside Plant Supervisor and now serves as Hamlin's General Manager. Brian and his wife Amber reside in Hamlin with their three daughters.

Jordan Lanham

Commercial Account Executive

As a fiber optic broadband company for more than a decade, we remain the leading telecommunications provider for products and services to keep you and your business connected.

Jordan Lanham
Cell: 304-299-0362
Office: 740-451-1834

Armstrong Neighborhood Channel

Armstrong Neighborhood Channel advertising is inexpensive, effective and responsive! Displays are professionally created to suit each advertiser's needs and taste.

Ad Submission Form

Contact your Armstrong Neighborhood Channel representative:

Sabrina Halstead
(304) 824-5111

Advertise on Cable

Cable advertising is a persuasive and effective way to gain your customer's attention and get your business noticed. With cable advertising, you can specifically target customers of various demographics in your service area!

For more information about cable advertising, contact:

Benjamin Fritz
A4 Media
Phone: 304.922.1382

Leased Access

Federal regulations require Cable Operators to allow for the purchase of programming time on their systems. This provision, called Leased Access, prohibits the cable operator from exerting any editorial control over these programs. For more information, contact us at: AUILeasedAccess@agoc.com.